Thursday, May 22, 2014

MLK VS. MALCOLM X - Sophia Lee

*Martin Luther King delivered the "I Have A Dream" speech
*He was the youngest man to receive the Nobel Peace Prize
*Gave $54,123 to the Civil Rights Movement
*Led bus boycott, which lasted for 382 days until the Supreme Court declared that the blacks and whites were to ride the bus as equals
*He was also member executive committee of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
*Named man of the year and was a world figure
*He also wrote books, articles, and led massive nonviolence protest in Birmingham, Alabama, which caught the attention of the people all around the world
*Was assassinated in his motel room before he was about to lead a protest march in Memphis, Tennessee

*Malcolm X was arrested for burglary and sentence to 10 yrs in prison
*In prison, he studied history, philosophy, and religion, also learned about the Nation of Islam so known as Black Muslims
*When he got out of prison he was committed to the Nation of Islam, which didnt just help with Civil Rights Movement but the group depicted all whites
*When Malcolm tried to take leadership of the group away from Muhammad, he was suspended and formed a new group of his own called the Muslim Mosque
*Malcolm also soon formed the Organization of African American Unity
*He was assassinated at age 39 when he was giving a speech at the Audubon Ballroom in Harlem

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